Continuing with "Maybe we should meet. We seem to have a lot in common." This conversation was from a lonely American having just transferred to Toronto Canada for a job opportunity. One night with the help from a glass of wine or beer he surfed the internet and settled on a dating site called Ok Cupid.
This was where he spotted my daughter's profile.
A proposal happened a year or two later with immediate wedding plans. (I did not question why)
A wedding in Toronto, another one in Reno.
Alas, a rush for a venue and a quick wedding began. My daughter had taken my husband and I to a restaurant to look for venues for the wedding. Sitting down for dinner and ordering at one venue site, my daughter informed us that after the wedding they were moving to San Francisco where her fiancé was just offered a job. He was absent at the dinner afraid or worried it would not go well. Needless to say both my daughter and I cried at the dinner. And that was when I realized my apron strings had never been severed. When we cried the waiter was concerned seeing two women crying until we told him the situation. He was relieved that it was nothing serious but understood my dilemma which made me cry even more. "You can go and visit her!" The waiter said excitedly. That sentiment would continue to haunt me.
For the next little while I was gripped with panic and anxiety as the weeks went by to plan the wedding. Actually they planned the wedding as they tasted the food, ordered the meals, decorations, arranged the flowers not to mention the wedding dress and decided on George Restaurant on Queen Street as my husband and I paid.
But nothing ever goes smoothly as we age. My mother had health issues almost every week as we took her to the doctor for unplanned appointments. My husband's mother wasn't doing well either and I did not know which way to turn. "Don't you dare die on us before the wedding," I'd tell my mother. Okay I also became mean. Then with all the stress something wonderful happened—I'd lost weight. It happened when I tried on an old one piece black bathing suit I had for years that I could never wear because it was too small. As I was about to throw it away I tried it on and it fit! Imagine losing weight without even trying.
But my mother still wasn't feeling well and then I got that early morning call from my sister saying mum was in the hospital with chest pains. Meanwhile my husband was busy with his mother who had just fallen and could no longer stay where she resided the last ten years. She needed a nursing home immediately. Would the wedding ever take place?
Somehow though everything falls into place. Even though my mother was put in a hospital ward with two men, the next day they took my ninety three old mother into the operating room to fix a blocked artery. My mother's only request was to make sure she could dance at her granddaughter's wedding. The wonderful doctors had put it on her chart. Two days later she was able to walk out of the hospital and go on as before excluding marathons. Then they found a nursing home for my mother-in-law, a five minute drive from our house. I was relieved and had some chocolate along with trying on my black bathing suit that still fit. Life at the moment was wonderful.
But when my daughter and I went for the fitting of the wedding dress; it was slightly off. The style had been taken away by being too loose. I failed by not telling her this when she was unsure. I failed as a mother. It was when my other daughter who saw the picture of the dress on the cell phone that was being altered, demanded it had to be fixed and that it was not right. This was also confirmed by my sister. My daughter made the call to the dressmaker the next day.
"So I will fix it," the dressmaker said calmly. " Next week you can wait while I do it."—Less than a week before the wedding. My anxiety started again thinking about the wedding dress and how I had failed my daughter. I should have been the one to say the dress was not right—I was the mother.
My mother was not feeling well again and I took her to the doctor. Less than a week before the wedding. Between the wedding dress and my mother, I was getting plenty of anxiety attacks. Wasn't preparing for a wedding supposed to be fun? That night I tried on my black bathing suit which still fit. At least something was going right.
However things weren't going that great for my future son-in-law. His best man couldn't find his passport the morning he was supposed to fly to Toronto with his fiancée. He had to miss the flight and drive to San Francisco from Reno to issue a new passport A.S.A.P. He somehow made his direct evening flight from San Francisco to Toronto. But a woman got sick on the plane and they made an emergency landing at Chicago airport in the early morning hours. (He could have gone to Australia in that amount of time.) Needless to say he landed safely in Toronto around four in the morning and at five he made it to the hotel.
Just when we thought everything was going smoothly, my future son-in-law's five year nephew got sick and had to miss the ceremony dinner for the immediate family and best friend on a Thursday night. That meant that one of the parents would have to stay home after flying here with the kids and miss the wedding vows. But again everything fell into place and a wonderful babysitter was found and the parents could attend the dinner. And the children were able to attend the wedding party on Saturday where there was dinner and dancing and speeches with family and friends.
But most importantly the kids were able to visit Niagara Falls and experience Canadian maple fudge.
The wedding was a hit, the venue superb, the wedding dress just gorgeous, the food amazing and the dancing great!
And my mother made it to the wedding.
So perhaps stay tuned for the wedding party adventure in Reno. Find out if my anxiety disappeared?
Did our luggage with the wedding dress in it arrive in Reno on time for the party?
Did the best man ever find his passport?
Did anyone get sick in Reno?
Did I fit into my black bathing suit after Reno and San Francisco?
And find out who won the maple fudge contest for the best maple flavor between Virginia City USA and Niagara on The Lake, Canada.
And to all writers: Who was the author my daughters were listening to on their podcast on the flight to Reno, the author with only a few sales under her belt, that saw a photo in a magazine of Brittany Spears carrying her book . . . ?
(No, it wasn't me)